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الأحد، 29 أبريل 2018

Learn how to code with ReactJS for less than $40

Learn how to code with ReactJS for less than $40

There's a reason coding is one of the most in-demand skills to have on your résumé. Whether you're building the next million dollar app or social media platform from scratch, adding personal touches to your blog, or troubleshootingan everyday tech problem, it's useful in just about every industry. 

A quick search will tell you there is no shortage of tools and languages to learn, all of which boast various levels of difficulty. But if you're looking to dip your toes into coding with a tool that's sure to take you places, you might want to give React a try. 

Fast, easy, and scalable, React is a JavaScript library that can be easily used to build user interfaces on both standalone pages and mobile apps — and is often used for apps that have constantly changing data (e.g., Facebook). 
With eight courses and over 40 hours of content, this bundle of online classes is designed to teach you the nuts and bolts of writing apps with React. You'll learn the foundations of using ReactJS from scratch as well as how to use it in conjunction with other platforms like Redux, Flux, and React Native. From there, you'll use your teachings to (slowly, but surely) build beautiful, intuitive pages and apps.
This bundle welcomes beginners and experts alike, so it's perfectly fine to brush up on your coding skills or be a total noob and ask tons of questions.

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